To ease my troubled mind, let me share with you my new favorite photography thing: the F-STOP. Seriously, how did I even live before I was able to manually adjust the apeture of my camera? Now, I'm a total novice with no photo skills except for what I've read on the internets, so don't judge me too harsly when I share these photos with you! Plus, you can learn from my mistakes!
Waiting for the fireworks on the 4th
left photo: Exposure: 8.0 sec, Aperture: 7.1, Focal Length: 29mm= bright as day!
right photo: Exposure: 3.6 sec, Aperture: 13.0, Focal Length: 29mm= dark and mysterious!
left photo: Exposure: 8.0 sec, Aperture: 7.1, Focal Length: 29mm= bright as day!
right photo: Exposure: 3.6 sec, Aperture: 13.0, Focal Length: 29mm= dark and mysterious!
Exposure: 1/3 sec, Aperture: 5.3, Focal Length: 38mm= shallow depth of field= bokeh (I think I acheived it)= you can't see my messy floor!
Now the only think I adjusted in these photos was the aperture, I let my smarty pants camera do the rest of the work for me (determining shutter speed and ISO). I would love to take a photo class one day, but for now trial and error is turning out to be very educational!
Oh no your photos! Thank goodness for places like facebook huh?