That is the question! Here is the story of this dress. I was at Goodwill. I had gathered up all the worthy vintage goodies in the store and was heading to check out. I walked past the "put your clothes here after you tried them on rack" and this dress was hanging there. It was Mexican. It was hand embroidered with a crazy amount of detail. It was teal and white. Without further thought, I scooped it up and bought it immediately. I just knew it was perfect, but I was intending to sell it. So, I brought it home, hemmed it to above the knee, and made a belt out of the extra fabric. Then I thought to myself, this will sell much better if I model it. And, thats where I made my fatal mistake! The proof is here:
And now I find myself at the crossroads. Help me out here lovely bloggettes! To keep... or not to keep?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dress: Old Navy
Leggings: ?
Shoes: Chaco's replaced my black flats for my surprise hike today!
Necklace: Gift from mom
Slip: Dyed vintage from Etsy
Ok. Several fun things happened today (scroll down for the most fun one of all). 1st, I wore the new necklace that my mom sent me just for fun! I think I kind of love it.

I'm really getting into mixing my neutrals too- look at me wearing brown and black together! Earlier in the day, I was wearing black flats, so the only color was in the necklace. All you ladies who turned me onto mixing neutrals were right, it does add some instant chic-ness to your ensemble.

Secondly, I took myself on a surprise hike. I was just going to drive up on the Blue Ridge Parkway to check out the leaves, but the views weren't that great. So I decided to hike a little way up a trail just to see a few leaves and let Petey run for a minute. And, the leaves were great. So I just kept going! It was beautiful!

Lastly, I sucked it up and bought these:

Aren't they beautiful and totally perfect for me? They were pricey but I think they were worth it! I will have them forever. This is certainly the most money I have ever spent on an item of clothing, so I hope I don't regret it when rent is due (in 3 days- what was I thinking??).
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
... almost forgot
Today I went of a search for boots, I have just been dying for a pair for the fall. Everyone in the blogosphere is busting out their boots and making me jealous. I looked high and low, only to find cheap crap, tackiness, or super narrow calf widths. Then I found them, the best boots ever made. These are my dream boot! Eco-friendly, interesting, and not super trendy so they can be worn for many years to come. They would look great with pants or skirts! I give you the Beth Boot by Groundhog Shoes:

Are they not perfect (for me)? However, the price was a deal breaker. They were $179, but my budget was more like $50 at the most, and even that would be a stretch since I don't have a job other than Etsy right now! So I came home to look them up on the internets so that I could stare at them longingly and think about buying them as soon as I get a real job. Lo and behold, they retail for $304 !! I can't believe it, they were marked down nearly 50%. Now I don't know what to do. This is a sweet deal and I'm sure I'll find a job one day, but these will be gone before then. There was only one pair in my size, so if I do want them I better go get them ASAP before they are gone!

Are they not perfect (for me)? However, the price was a deal breaker. They were $179, but my budget was more like $50 at the most, and even that would be a stretch since I don't have a job other than Etsy right now! So I came home to look them up on the internets so that I could stare at them longingly and think about buying them as soon as I get a real job. Lo and behold, they retail for $304 !! I can't believe it, they were marked down nearly 50%. Now I don't know what to do. This is a sweet deal and I'm sure I'll find a job one day, but these will be gone before then. There was only one pair in my size, so if I do want them I better go get them ASAP before they are gone!
10.27.09 and a Few of my Favorite New Things
Shirt: vintage, new from Etsy
Pants: Newish from Old Navy via Gap Outlet in KY
Shoes: Ugg Moccasins
Basket: Vintage, thrifted today
I'm loving all of my favorite new things. I just got this shirt from a fellow Etsy seller, Glam Town Vintage, and I love it dearly already. Its so incredibly kitchy! These jeans I got a few weeks ago from my favorite clearance center (I love it even more than the J.Crew one) in northern Kentucky. Its the Gap clearance center, which means it has stuff from Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, and some upscale store that they have NYC. I have been shopping there since high school, when I lived in Cincinnati, and made a detour there a few weekends ago because no trip to the area is complete without a stop at the Gap clearance center! I think I'm the clearance center queen- if you haven't stopped at one you should, any town large enough to have distribution centers probably has one, and outlets can't even compare for low prices and selection!
Pants: Newish from Old Navy via Gap Outlet in KY
Shoes: Ugg Moccasins
Basket: Vintage, thrifted today
I'm loving all of my favorite new things. I just got this shirt from a fellow Etsy seller, Glam Town Vintage, and I love it dearly already. Its so incredibly kitchy! These jeans I got a few weeks ago from my favorite clearance center (I love it even more than the J.Crew one) in northern Kentucky. Its the Gap clearance center, which means it has stuff from Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, and some upscale store that they have NYC. I have been shopping there since high school, when I lived in Cincinnati, and made a detour there a few weekends ago because no trip to the area is complete without a stop at the Gap clearance center! I think I'm the clearance center queen- if you haven't stopped at one you should, any town large enough to have distribution centers probably has one, and outlets can't even compare for low prices and selection!
I found this basket today at Goodwill! It's obviously a picnic basket but I have plans to use it for all sorts of fun things. I have been wanting one of these for the longest time!
I thrifted these shoes last week. I always told everyone that claimed that heels could be comfortable that they were full of crap, but I take that back now! These heels are awesome! I guess you just have to find the combination of width (this is a big factor for me) and heel height that is right for you.
My mom sent me this lovely necklace the other day! I can't wait to finish out my accessories challenge with it. I've got something planned for it tomorrow, I hope it comes out well!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Holy Grail of Thrifting!
So, I promise I will finish out this accessory challenge if it kills me. I actually wore a couple of blog-worthy outfits this weekend, I just was always running out the door with no time to take photos. I have done 5 out of my promised 7 accessorized outfits, so there are at least 2 more to come.
Anyways, I wanted to show ya'll this amazing dress I thrifted last week. I'm trying to pinpoint the date before I put it up in the shop, but it was just too good to keep to myself. Its a Holly Harp, who I think was one of the most interesting designers of her time. She defined the boho-chic look way back in the 60s (she may have even originated it), designing expensive and upscale pieces in light and flowly fabrics for stores like Bergdorf Goodman's. It always pays to know your labels, even if you think that in a pseudo-hippie-redneck-hipster town like Asheville you will never find them. Imagine my surprise when this dress was hanging on the racks of Goodwill between over-sized, floral, sacks from Walmart, Laura Ashleys from the mid 90s, and teenybopper sequined mini dresses from Forever21. It was like finding the Holy Grail, complete with a matching shawl!
Anyways, I wanted to show ya'll this amazing dress I thrifted last week. I'm trying to pinpoint the date before I put it up in the shop, but it was just too good to keep to myself. Its a Holly Harp, who I think was one of the most interesting designers of her time. She defined the boho-chic look way back in the 60s (she may have even originated it), designing expensive and upscale pieces in light and flowly fabrics for stores like Bergdorf Goodman's. It always pays to know your labels, even if you think that in a pseudo-hippie-redneck-hipster town like Asheville you will never find them. Imagine my surprise when this dress was hanging on the racks of Goodwill between over-sized, floral, sacks from Walmart, Laura Ashleys from the mid 90s, and teenybopper sequined mini dresses from Forever21. It was like finding the Holy Grail, complete with a matching shawl!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
This morning Pioneer Woman posted a tutorial about rounding edges on photos using photoshop. So, I opened photoshop, intending just to try out her tutorial. Of course, as photoshopping often goes, I got sucked into editing, editing, editing and before I knew it I had spent half the morning messing with filters and layers and colors and every other little thing. Photoshop is like a black hole!! Well, here's the result.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Scarf: Gift from my sister from Ecuador
Bag: free from a 'free store
Shoes: Crocs
I was super excited about this dress when I found it at the thrift store, I was planning on keeping it for a while but after wearing it yesterday I'm not so certain. I really love it, but the crew neckline doesn't look so good on me. So I guess my options are to alter it or sell it. A basic black dress with sleeves will be hard to pass up though, its probably one of those things that most people consider essential to any wardrobe! What do ya'll think?
Today I launched Rat War '09. A sneaky little bugger moved into our house on Sunday night, but we weren't certain about what was making all the noise in the kitchen until I saw him last night. He is HUGE. Today the exterminator came but he didn't get it out, so I spent most of the afternoon trapping it behind the fridge and then trying entice it out with dog food. I didn't have any luck and now we are having a bunch of important people from the hospital where my roommate works over for dinner. I hope that rat doesn't make a surprise appearance!! Photos to come soon, I just had to photo document Rat Wars!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Belt: Thrifted
Jeans: Thrifted
Tank: Not sure?
Shoes: Fav. moccasins from 9West outlet
Neclace: Beads purchased by my mom from an artist in Sedona, AZ, "made" (I'll use that term loosely, I put them on a cord) by me
It was a lovely day for a dog walk in the park! I would like to note that while the fall colors are starting to look quite lovely from afar, up close and personal the only leaves that have changed are those of the poison ivy! Not quite so lovely.
I was trying to pull off the belted cardigan look but I'm not sure I quite managed it. I think that rather than accentuating my waist, the thick, lighter-colored belt over the darker cardigan kinda screams "look, I don't have a waist but I'm trying to pretend that I do". Or maybe I'm just paranoid. Either way, lesson learned. Belting over ANYTHING takes the right kind of belt and a bit of finesse! Oh, and please note the necklace that I kinda-sorta made. Not only did I just throw the beads on the cord the second my mom gave them to me, but I was too lazy to get an actual clasp for it so I just tie it on. Then it unties itself and slides off my neck. Then I restring it in a different way and probably loose a bead or two along the way. Its like the magical changing necklace! Perhaps I'm onto something here...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Accessories challenge day- what???? I don't even remember what day it is! But don't worry, I'm still wearing accessories. I'm a little out of order, but this is what I wore on Sunday. I'm saving Saturday's NASCAR costume party outfit for a special occasion (or at least until I can properly edit the photos).

Sweater: gift from friend
Tank top that you can't see: Ann Taylor
Skirt: Made by me! Its fleece!
Scarf: Ross
Bracelet: Thrifted
Shoes: Target
This outfit was conceived in an "I'm running to the grocery store but Oh NO! I have to accessorize" moment. Let me tell you, this accessories challenge is more of a challenge than I thought it would be, mostly because most of the time I don't take the effort to wear something fabulous and fun but now that I am attempting to blog my outfits everyday, I have to put on something that isn't embarrassing! Not to mention, I'm having to readjust to cold weather and the possibility of wearing pants (heaven forbid!). It was freeeeeezing on Sunday, but all my photo worthy pants were dirty so I had to get creative! Then, I just threw on a few of my favorite accessories. I love this tacky thrifted bracelet with all my heart!

Tank top that you can't see: Ann Taylor
Skirt: Made by me! Its fleece!
Scarf: Ross
Bracelet: Thrifted
Shoes: Target
This outfit was conceived in an "I'm running to the grocery store but Oh NO! I have to accessorize" moment. Let me tell you, this accessories challenge is more of a challenge than I thought it would be, mostly because most of the time I don't take the effort to wear something fabulous and fun but now that I am attempting to blog my outfits everyday, I have to put on something that isn't embarrassing! Not to mention, I'm having to readjust to cold weather and the possibility of wearing pants (heaven forbid!). It was freeeeeezing on Sunday, but all my photo worthy pants were dirty so I had to get creative! Then, I just threw on a few of my favorite accessories. I love this tacky thrifted bracelet with all my heart!
Friday, October 16, 2009
10.16.09: Accessories Challenge Day 3

Coat: Target, vintage buttons added by me
Scarf: Ross
Jeans: Gap Clearance Center
Shoes: Ugg Moccasins
Bangles: Boutique
Dog: Petey!
Ok, yes, I skipped day 2. I only went to the gym and really, that's not exactly the best place to accessorize. I promise to wear two outfits tomorrow (and one of them is going to be for a Talledega/NASCAR/Redneck themed party, so it should be pretty exciting). Today I wore this to go to the dog park, goodwill, and grocery store. I'll tell you what, its pretty hard for me to accessorize to go to those places, but I made myself do it. Sonce it was frigid here today, I stayed in my outerwear while running errands so I accessorized that. I wore one of my favorite scarves (I love the colors!) and some of my favorite matching glass bangles. The set came with a white bangle too, but it is mysteriously significantly smaller than the other three and it makes me feel like my hand is breaking when I take it off, so now I just don't wear it. Strange, huh? Anyways, I brought my favorite accessory with me: Petey!!

The leaves were just beginning to get lovely today. This is the park that I get to visit most everyday to walk Petey and get some fresh air. Aren't I lucky?

Shop Update
I wanted to share all the fun, new stuff I've listed in the shop in the last week. Outfit photos coming soon, I promise!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Accessories Day 1? Check!

Dress: Thrifted
Cardigan: JCrew
Skirt (under the dress): Thrifted
Tights: ?? Maybe KMart?
Shoes: Target
Coat: Target, I replaced the tacky buttons it came with originally with vintage buttons
Ok, so day one of accessorizing went pretty well. I really like what I ended up wearing, but I will admit that wearing accessories definitely made me dress up more than I normally would. I was certainly the most overdressed person at the Wednesday night bluegrass jam. Not that that is SO bad (I would rather be over-dressed than under-dressed), but I think I need to work on the art of casual accessories! Also, I went big with one statement necklace, but I didn't work in any other jewelry. That almost feels like cheating. I guess I have a few things to work on!
P.S. Also, I just made my photo border a little more snazzy! My photoshop skills are deplorable, it took me forever.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A fashion challenge!
Ok, ya'll. I am in a bit of a non-personal-style-blogging-rut. I'm giving myself a challenge, inspired by Lauren of This Little Piggy and the ladies at Academichic who are always giving themselves fashion challenges to inspire creativity. I think one of my major fashion weaknesses is that I never accessorize (except for purses or belts, I'm not counting those)! I'm going to blame this on my all-girls-high-school-with-uniform formative fashion years, during which all of us girls just threw on a plaid skit and polo everyday, no accessorizing needed! Excuses aside, I'm sure that if you think about it you have noticed that I never, ever wear any jewelry aside from a single silver bangle that I've just been too lazy to take off ever since I put it on about 3 years ago. Clearly, I could use some improvement in this area so I am challenging myself to a week of accessories.
The rules:
- I must wear one piece of jewelry everyday (necklace, rings, or bracelets count, my ears aren't pierced). More alternative accessories such as scarves count, but not belts or purses because I think I've mastered those.
- The challenge will last one week starting tomorrow (Wednesday), even if I get super frustrated and want to quit
- I must photograph myself every day and share it here
- At the end of the week I'll post a little summary to see if I've learned anything about accessorizing
Hopefully this will help me figure out some about what I like and don't like about accessories. Even if I find that I hate wearing them, at least I will have given them a fighting chance. After all, the beauty of the outfit is in the details, right? Leave me advice if you are an accessorize-r, I can use all the help I can get! For now, here is some inspiration (all photos from flickr, click to go to source):
I'm loving Jessica's bold floral necklace today. She isn't scared to go BIG and I love that about her style.

The rules:
- I must wear one piece of jewelry everyday (necklace, rings, or bracelets count, my ears aren't pierced). More alternative accessories such as scarves count, but not belts or purses because I think I've mastered those.
- The challenge will last one week starting tomorrow (Wednesday), even if I get super frustrated and want to quit
- I must photograph myself every day and share it here
- At the end of the week I'll post a little summary to see if I've learned anything about accessorizing
Hopefully this will help me figure out some about what I like and don't like about accessories. Even if I find that I hate wearing them, at least I will have given them a fighting chance. After all, the beauty of the outfit is in the details, right? Leave me advice if you are an accessorize-r, I can use all the help I can get! For now, here is some inspiration (all photos from flickr, click to go to source):

Amy (a fellow Fatshionista) always accessorizes so well! She does belts and necklaces like nobody's business (plus, her hair is amazing). I have a necklace a lot like this that I thrifted a long time ago and have yet to wear. I'm going to try to work it in this week.
You can never go wrong with simple pearls- they match everything, especially vintage dresses!
This huge scarf is clearly awesome! I need to work on incorporating my scarves into my outfits, rather than just wearing them as outerwear.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Vintage love!
I had a job interview today for a job I'm actually interested in- so we'll see how that pans out! If you still have your job, hold on to it with both hands. Its rough out there!
Well, I haven't treated myself to any vintage lately and have dutifully sold all the amazing things that I've wanted to keep, but I decided it was time to change that. One of my fellow Etsy sellers, the lovely Siobhan of Blythe Hopes Vintage, is having a 50% off sale and the price on this cute little dress was too good to pass up ($12)!! I am a sucker for dresses with sleeves, and I just love the square neckline. I can't wait to get it!

Be sure to check out the sale for yourselves! Pretty much everything in her store is marked down.
Well, I haven't treated myself to any vintage lately and have dutifully sold all the amazing things that I've wanted to keep, but I decided it was time to change that. One of my fellow Etsy sellers, the lovely Siobhan of Blythe Hopes Vintage, is having a 50% off sale and the price on this cute little dress was too good to pass up ($12)!! I am a sucker for dresses with sleeves, and I just love the square neckline. I can't wait to get it!

Be sure to check out the sale for yourselves! Pretty much everything in her store is marked down.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
One more thing... did you know that you can do this?:
You can make a font out of your very own handwriting! How exciting, I had no idea about this! My friend helped me make mine last weekend, here is the link so you can make one of your very own. I'm loving it, I'm going to change all my shop and blog fonts over to my own handwriting.

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