Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A fashion challenge!

Ok, ya'll. I am in a bit of a non-personal-style-blogging-rut. I'm giving myself a challenge, inspired by Lauren of This Little Piggy and the ladies at Academichic who are always giving themselves fashion challenges to inspire creativity. I think one of my major fashion weaknesses is that I never accessorize (except for purses or belts, I'm not counting those)! I'm going to blame this on my all-girls-high-school-with-uniform formative fashion years, during which all of us girls just threw on a plaid skit and polo everyday, no accessorizing needed! Excuses aside, I'm sure that if you think about it you have noticed that I never, ever wear any jewelry aside from a single silver bangle that I've just been too lazy to take off ever since I put it on about 3 years ago. Clearly, I could use some improvement in this area so I am challenging myself to a week of accessories.

The rules:
- I must wear one piece of jewelry everyday (necklace, rings, or bracelets count, my ears aren't pierced). More alternative accessories such as scarves count, but not belts or purses because I think I've mastered those.
- The challenge will last one week starting tomorrow (Wednesday), even if I get super frustrated and want to quit
- I must photograph myself every day and share it here
- At the end of the week I'll post a little summary to see if I've learned anything about accessorizing

Hopefully this will help me figure out some about what I like and don't like about accessories. Even if I find that I hate wearing them, at least I will have given them a fighting chance. After all, the beauty of the outfit is in the details, right? Leave me advice if you are an accessorize-r, I can use all the help I can get! For now, here is some inspiration (all photos from flickr, click to go to source):

I'm loving Jessica's bold floral necklace today. She isn't scared to go BIG and I love that about her style.

Amy (a fellow Fatshionista) always accessorizes so well! She does belts and necklaces like nobody's business (plus, her hair is amazing). I have a necklace a lot like this that I thrifted a long time ago and have yet to wear. I'm going to try to work it in this week.

You can never go wrong with simple pearls- they match everything, especially vintage dresses!

This huge scarf is clearly awesome! I need to work on incorporating my scarves into my outfits, rather than just wearing them as outerwear.


  1. I went to an all girls school too! Good luck with your challange, I'm sure you will be awesome!

  2. I love long beaded necklaces or big bangles, the more colorful the better! Sometimes it's fun to match them with an outfit (e.g. a tan and light blue necklace with a tan/white cardigan and blue shirt), and alternatively picking a contrasting color to your clothes for your accessory makes it POP (like a green necklace with a purple top or dress). Good luck... can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  3. Oh I love accessories! I can't wait to see what you put together:)

  4. Ooooh exciting! I love challenges (obviously!)
    You know I never used to wear jewelry at all!
    I definitely think pearls go with anything. Statement rings are good when you are wearing a detailed top that doesn't really lend itself to a necklace.
    And scarves are great for adding colour or complimenting / contrasting other colours in your outfit.
    Good luck
