Ok, I'm baaackkkk! Sorry for that unintended holiday blogging break! Things just sort of got away from me there for a while, what with all the festivities. I'm going to hit all this digital stuff hard soon, but tomorrow I'm going to Nashville for some celebrations so I'll catch ya'll in the New Year! Have the hap-hap-happiest New Years of all!
Now, onto the main attraction... sporting some of my holiday loot!

Dress: Old Navy
Scarf: Christmas gift from Mom
Leggings: Vera Wang for Kohl's
Boots: Groundhog shoes
Socks: Hue (?), Christmas gift from Mom
New coat: (post) Christmas gift from Mom
Now, onto the main attraction... sporting some of my holiday loot!

Dress: Old Navy
Scarf: Christmas gift from Mom
Leggings: Vera Wang for Kohl's
Boots: Groundhog shoes
Socks: Hue (?), Christmas gift from Mom
New coat: (post) Christmas gift from Mom