OK, so it's Monday again. Why does that have to happen every damn week? It's not even noon and I've already eaten my lunch. Nothing is working and everything is broken and of course my boss thinks it's all my fault. Is it nap time yet?
I think I better go ahead and
make my Monday with my weekly countdown of awesomeness...
5. I have a bit of a special outing planned for early this week. I'm not saying anymore lest I jinx it!
4. The new photos I took for
GVV yesterday. My friends are such lovely models and we found a great location. I can't wait to get them up on Etsy!
3. I have had this awful cough for about three weeks now and I was worried I was dying of the consumption. While very romantic in theory, I'm not yet ready for my short life to end. Fortunately, I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia and prescribed an antibiotic. I'm fairly certain this is the only time 'fortunately' and 'walking pneumonia' have every been used together in a sentence. I am almost able to breathe again!
2. How about this for exciting... I'm having a two day week. I only have to work on Monday and Tuesday. And, Monday is almost halfway over, so that means my week is 25% done. So right now it is actually more like Tuesday morning than Monday afternoon. Clearly, this is going to be the best week ever. In case you are wondering why I am so lucky this week, its because...
1. I'm going on vacation! To my favoritest place on earth! My sister is graduating from
Sewanee this weekend, the same university that I graduated from four years ago. And, lots of my other friends siblings are graduating, so they will be there also. And, my family will be there. And, I can go see my professors. And, there are lots of waterfalls to frolic in. And, it will be one big booze filled party time. I can't wait!

So, (now that I have made you green with envy) tell me, whats making
your Monday?