More fun New Mexico photos coming soon!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I've Arrived!
More fun New Mexico photos coming soon!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
On the Road (again)

Sunday, January 24, 2010
I'm in packing hell!!
This is what it looked like yesterday:
Today it looks 10 times worse! Ahh!
Last night, all sorts of lovely people met me downtown for my last night out or, as I like to call it, my "peace out, bitches" party! I took my camera but only remembered to take a few photos.
Then, I finished up the evening with a drink at the massive and impressive Grove Park Inn (where our president stayed when he visited our fair city). Here is the Skyline of Asheville from the hotel's huge porch.
I'm hoping to head out of town tomorrow afternoon, if I can manage to cram all of this stuff into a horse trailer, my mom's tahoe, and my subaru. Keep your fingers' crossed for me!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Here a few lovely photos of New Mexico from Flickr users (click for source):
All of these amazing images are getting me super excited to get out there and get started! Too bad 24 hours in the car are standing between me and this lovely landscape.
So, you might be wondering what this means for my blog and Etsy shops. Well, things will probably be slow around here for a while but I am going to try to photodocument the move and blog about it when possible. I'm going to put my shops on hold for a little while but I hope to keep them active once I get settled! I can't wait to see what kind of vintage clothes I can find out west. I definitely won't be quitting my blog, though the focus may change a bit because doing geology doesn't exactly call for a super glamorous wardrobe. I just couldn't part with all you lovely folks I've met through the interwebs! So hopefully you will be seeing lots of amazing scenery photos and some outfit posts when I have a day or two off. I can't wait to improve my photography skills, I've already got my eye on a few new lenses I just might be needing to capture the western landscape.
Once again, thanks for being so lovely! I have a good friend who claims that this is the "Year of Magical Thinking" and that if we think magically about what we want, we can make it happen. It has worked for me so far! So, I wish some magical thinking for all of ya'll this year, I hope magical things are happening for you also!
Monday, January 18, 2010
MLK weekend

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Shirt: Ross
Sweater: really old!
Jeans: Ross
Shoes: Target
Look! I'm finally wearing pants! Well, stuff is a bit crazy here at Green Violet headquarters, so please forgive me if I'm a bit scarce for the next few days.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Happy Birthday, Petey!
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dress: Vintage, thrifted
Cardigan: Christmas gift from mom
Belt: Vintage, free
Leggings: Vera Wang for Kohl's
Boots: Groundhog shoes
Purse: Was a gift, bought from an Etsy seller but now I can't find her shop!
Scarf: New! from Analogue People
Can ya'll forgive me for wearing the same dress two outfits in a row? When I wore it on Tuesday, I only went to the store and to run some errands. I didn't see anyone I know in real life and I didn't feel like I really got to show off my dress, so I put it back on last night but made and effort to remix it for ya'll to make things a little bit more interesting! Of course, I kind of fell back into my safe space of wearing a cardigan and my boots. Oh, well, its warm and cozy and freezing here so I'll forgive myself! Plus, I got to show off a few of my favorite etsy accessories!
Oh, and P.S.- Thanks for all your super sweet comments on my last post! It really means a lot to me that ya'll like my photos!

Thursday, January 7, 2010
A Few Photos from Texas

I really like how the shallow depth of field allowed me to capture the sparse and barren nature of the Texas plains. If all the background details has been clogging up the photos, I don't think they would have been nearly as effective! Of course, this lens doesn't auto-focus on my Nikon D60 so I have to try to focus all on my own which can be a bit challenging and resulted in practically a metric ton of blurry shots. Also, I'm really getting into square format photos. I've found myself cropping nearly everything to a square recently! Well, as I've said before, I am a total amateur at photography- everything I know I've learned online. So, if ya'll have any brilliant photo insights or feedback, feel free to share away!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Dress: Vintage, new to me!
Shirt: Banana Republic (ages ago)
Belt: Thrifted
Tights and Socks: Hue
Shoes: Dansko
Ok, I think I managed to layer a dress over a shirt without looking like Angela Chase circa 1995. I'm not totally sold on it... but I'm getting there! Yesterday, I hit a bit of a vintage jackpot, I found two 50s (I think) dresses at the thrift store that fit me like a charm. And, trust me, I don't come in a typically 50s size. Sometimes paying a visit to an out of the way thrift store is worth the extra gas money! This is one of them, but the other is even more awesome and I can't wait to wear it soon. Maybe, tomorrow (though it is a bit summery)! Also, this outfit begs the question "is it ok for a grown ass woman to wear socks over tights but not under boots?". Whatevs, it was cozy and I am so over zipping up those damn boots every day! I needed a break!

Monday, January 4, 2010
1.4.09- First Remix of the New Year!

Shirt: Gap, altered by me
Cardigan: Christmas gift from Mom
Skirt: Dress worn as skirt, Ross
Leggings: Vera Wang for Kohl's
Socks: Hue, Christmas gift from Mom
Boots: Groundhog shoes
Scarf: Ross
So this morning, I was determined to do something a little bit different. I wanted to layer a shirt with a dress like all the (other) cool fashion bloggers! Well, once I started trying out different combos I couldn't escape the feeling that I looked a little like Angela Chase circa the 1995. You know, she was always layering shirts and tank tops and dresses. And, then I started saying things like " I am so over Jordon Catalano" and I realized that no one needed to relive the 90s, even if My So called Life was so totally awesome. Anyone else with me, here? Anyways, I decided that instead of layering this dress over a t-shirt as a dress, I could make it into a skirt! What a great way to refashion my wardrobe, especially since I have a ton of dresses but not very many skirts.
I think one of my promises to myself for the New Year (ok, ok, I'll admit that it is kind of a resolution) will be to get more creative with my wardrobe and try to wear old things in new and exciting ways so that they don't get shoved to the back of my closet. What about ya'll, do you have any fashion resolutions?
Shop Update!