Hey ladies (and gentlemen?), I'm back! I had a lovely time (wearing my me made shorts) on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River for a week in Idaho. Then I experienced some post-vacation fatigue.. you know, when you are wishing you were still on vacation while scrambling to catch up on all the stuff you got behind on while on vacation. Add getting my new house organized to that, and here we are at the end of July with little sewing or blogging to show! Hopefully you'll forgive me if I share a few vacation photos and announce the Plus Size Pattern Pyramid Giveaway Winner.
We started at Boundary Creek near (and by near I mean 2 hours on a dirt road) Stanley, Idaho. The views were amazing and the river was full of boats waiting to launch the next day for 100 miles of rapids and wilderness on the River of No Return. And yes, you do have to lower your fully loaded boat down that crazy wooden ramp with ropes. It was crazy.
I didn't get a lot of pictures the first few days because things mostly looked like this. Plus, the first day was full of big rapids and its hard to take photos while you are rowing a raft. Good thing my dad brought a water proof camera!
We camped in some awesome locations every night- though half of them were spent huddled under the tarps because of the rain!
Finally, things cleared up and it was beautiful and sunny! Then came the big rapids...
I didn't get a lot of good photos since I was busy rowing, but let me just say it was an exciting ride! HERE is a link to a video if you don't believe me. I'm not tech savvy enough to figure out how to upload it to ye olde blog.

Bonus! Hot springs! As I think you can tell, hot springs make me ridiculously happy. So basically, best trip ever. Especially because I got a lot of use out of my me-made shorts and rafting skort (more on that later).
With that said, its time to announce the winner of the...

I only had one eligible entry (since a requirement was having an active blog), so the (un)lucky winner is Susan of Moonthirty! She said she didn't need any more patterns, but she is about to have a few coming her way. Susan, this is the perfect opportunity to de-stash, just add them to the pile and send them on along to the next person! If you will email me your address, I'll get them in the mail to you ASAP. And by ASAP I obviously mean as soon as I am motivated enough to make it to the post office :)

P.S. How are your blog reader transitions going? I'm using bloglovin... but I'm not convinced. Especially because I first posted this yesterday and it took an entire day to come through in my bloglovin reader. Ugh. I've updated the photos in this post because they weren't showing up for everyone, so I'll go ahead and include the bloglovin link so that maybe I won't get the second class blog treatment anymore! I wonder what other blogs aren't getting posted in a timely fashion? I hope I'm not missing any of your lovely stuff, dear readers.

P.S. How are your blog reader transitions going? I'm using bloglovin... but I'm not convinced. Especially because I first posted this yesterday and it took an entire day to come through in my bloglovin reader. Ugh. I've updated the photos in this post because they weren't showing up for everyone, so I'll go ahead and include the bloglovin link so that maybe I won't get the second class blog treatment anymore! I wonder what other blogs aren't getting posted in a timely fashion? I hope I'm not missing any of your lovely stuff, dear readers.