So... I realize I have hardly blogged since last Me-May-May, but I have decided to rally all my (blogging) strength, draw from my best sources of inspiration (Susan @ Moonthirty and all the lovely ladies at the Curvy Sewing Collective), and jump in with both feet to Me-Made-May 2014.
I thought I would post a round up of some photos of me wear me-mades that have been taken in the last year, but it turns out I'm not that great at remembering to take photos (especially of myself). Here is a random assortment, stolen from my facebook friends. Hope they don't mind!
When we last left off, I had just returned from my rafting trip to the Middle Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho. Here is a photo of me wearing my me-made shorts as a refresher.
After that, surprise surprise, I went rafting again. We were here:
And I wore my Jalie #2796 skort most of the time. And my PFD (even when on dry land)- safety first!
Then Halloween happened. I'm pretty sure I was wearing some me-made leggings on the bottom half, but even if I wasn't I had to share this photo since its so ridiculous. I was a Santa Fe Trophy Wife/ my future self (and I think you might have to live in New Mexico to get the joke).
Also during the fall, some lovely college friends were in town. Obviously, we went wine tasting (in my me-made leggings, skirt, and probably a shirt though I can't tell what it is in the photo).
Over the winter, I'm sure I did some stuff, I just neglected to take any photos. You know, skiing, major home improvement projects... the usual. The pictures start back up again from a couple weeks ago, when I met my sister in Ecuador for a little adventure. I haven't downloaded my photos yet, so I stole these that her boyfriend took.
I wore red self-self drafted hiking skort and self-drafted quick dry leggings...
...while hiking at the Lagunas de Mojanda near Otavalo, Ecuador.
And here is my sister and me looking rather bedraggled at a waterfall. I had to include the photo (though I hope my sister never finds out) because I am wearing 100% me-made outfit (scarf excluded) and she is using the bag that I made her for christmas.
So, with that pretty lame attempt at a year long review done, I suppose its time to make some sort of Me-Made-May promise. I've done an OK job of getting some more lifestyle appropriate garments made in the past year, though I have to admit that home improvement projects took precedence since I bought my house last May 31st!. Lets just say it was a bit of a house wide overhaul, it was a ton of work but at least its a lot more aesthetically pleasing now. And trust me, I can get a lot more sewing done now that I don't have stained carpet, poor lighting, and bad paint jobs to bring me down. Of course, the yard is still a wreck, but I don't have to look at the while I am sewing...
Anyways, while I wear me-made items most days, its still not 100% and I am still lacking the more practical (i.e. boring) clothing that I need for work. As I think I've mentioned before, I am a geologist, so for about 50% of my work time I am out in the field and have to wear practical/boring clothes. Long pants, long sleeves (unless I want a major sunburn), hats, layers, etc. Since I have yet to master pants-making (which is partly because I hate wearing pants and only do so at work), I have maybe two tops that are acceptable for work and I still need to do some work in that area. I have the Grainline Archer all printed up and ready to go, but the mere thought of figuring out how to grade that up while also learning new techniques is giving me nightmares.
The moral of the story is: non-work clothes? Mostly me-made. Work clothes? Not so much. But the point of Me-Made-May is to challenge ourselves, right? I mean, and obviously to also be inspired by all the other fun folks participating. So, without further ado (I think I've already have enough ado for one post):
'I, Megan @, sign up
as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to
wear one Me-Made item each day
for the duration of May 2014. Additionally, I will strive to create some more field-work-appropriate garments. '
Wish me luck? I hope to blog most days, since I think that's part of the fun of MMM, but don't count on it!